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Don’t really want to give your employees a cell phone? That’s OK – but don’t let them give out their own number!

Here’s what to do instead.

A lot of employees don’t want to carry two cell phones around and that’s understandable, but employers need to be able to call their employees, even when they’re out of the office. They need their customers to be able to call their employees too.

The challenge with letting your employees use their own cell phone numbers is this – when that employee leaves your company – they take their phone and that puts your relationship with YOUR customer at risk. Suppose for just a moment, that your employee leaves disgruntled (or not) and goes to work for your competitor (because they often do). YOUR customer calls your “former” employee and says “I need”. Your former employee says, “Hey, I’m not over there anymore, but I’m for (your competitor) now and we’ve got this really great deal”. BAM! You’ve lost your customer. That customer you worked hard to get, you spent money to get, that customer you were counting on for future business from, is gone, just that fast, just that easily.

So, what’s the option? Give your employee a 2nd phone number for them to use with their personal phone. At Sprint, we have a product called Multi-Line. It’s perfect for this. For as little as $15 per month, you’re able to give your employee a mobile number that rings on their personal cell phone. It’s an app that can be added to their phone and it includes voicemail and unlimited text. Your employee can easily separate their personal calls from their business calls and they don’t have to carry 2 cell phones. In the event your employee leaves your company, for any reason, you never have to worry about losing your customers. Instead, you’ll simply give that phone number to your new employee or you can cancel the number, but YOUR customer will not be calling your FORMER employee at their new place of employment.

For more information, contact me directly.

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