Education - Solutions by Premier Wireless


Premier Wireless provides innovative solutions to meet the diverse and evolving needs of all educators and administrators including classroom technology, student devices, and campus and transportation safety solutions. Our solutions enable equitable access to technology and connectivity at all academic levels to increase engagement and retention, improve outcomes, and allow students and schools to succeed.

School Safety

The safety of our schools, students, and administrative staff are always at the top of the lists of concerns. However, our schools can no longer rely on simple fire drills to asseverate emergency readiness. Today’s educational systems must address concerns of bullying, active shooters, and weather emergencies to name a few. Thankfully, new technologies have emerged to meet these ever-increasing needs and concerns.

Premier Wireless works with you to identify your safety concerns and develop integrated solutions to accurately address your requirements. We are dedicated to helping you keep your students, teachers, staff, and administrators safe so you can focus on enriching the minds of our most important resource; our students.

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Bus Safety

Premier Wireless provides technology solutions for education that improve connectivity, increase safety, and bridge the digital divide. The core benefits of our solutions even extend beyond the confines of the classroom with ConnectED Bus.

  • The FCC’s recent approval of Bus Wi-Fi funding through E-Rate means students’ learning time is extended, while simultaneously providing advanced bus safety solutions that benefit students, parents, and school administrators.
  • Our Crosswalk K-12 solution safeguards students and provides peace of mind for both parents and administrators with student tracking, turn-by-turn directions, GPS tracking, parent app, and so much more.
  • ConnectED Bus Communication features 2-way cellular-based radios to address the hands-free needs of bus drivers while also ensuring communication continuity with dispatch and administrators.
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Campus Communication

Communication is an essential component in effectively conveying the lessons a teacher is presenting and in the day-to-day operation of any school administration. With so much hinging on communication, it is paramount that all barriers to effective communication be resolved. Among the many goals a school administration has; safety is always at the top of that list. The tools you utilize to communicate between teachers, administrators, staff, and parents vehemently affect the safety of our students and the success of our schools.

Through our extensive range of basic phones, rugged phones, and smartphones, we specialize in providing an all-in-one communications solution that includes the perfect device, service, and accessories for your administration.

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distance learning

Remote Learning

The importance of remote learning has become increasingly evident, prompting a surge in technological advancements. Premier Wireless stands at the forefront of this evolution, catering to your educational needs by offering tailored devices for students at every level. Our commitment goes beyond merely providing devices; it's about delivering the right tools that empower students to thrive in a remote learning environment.

We understand that each student has unique needs and learning styles. That's why we offer a range of devices tailored to different learning levels. From elementary school students exploring the basics of digital literacy to high schoolers engaging in complex virtual simulations, we have the perfect device for every educational stage.

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distance learning

Pandemic Response

The global pandemic amplified the adverse effects of the digital divide by forcing school closures and changing how students learn. Our current generation of students now risks losing $17 trillion in lifetime earnings in present value, or about 14 percent of today's global GDP, because of the pandemic-related school closures. This is according to a report published by the World Bank, UNESCO, and UNICEF (December 6, 2021).

While schools are shut down, students face challenges adjusting to this new approach to the curriculum and the difficulties of adapting to modern technology. So, what is the answer to this increased need and barrier to learning our current generation of students are facing?

Premier Wireless offers the solution through its comprehensive portfolio of products and services that enhance a student’s educational experience by providing intuitive devices and internet connectivity designed for remote and hybrid learning. Our solutions bridge the digital divide and promote increased productivity, inclusiveness, and educational equality. Through these offerings, we enhance student engagement and academic success for all students.

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Grants Funding

Premier is committed to helping our clients identify potential funding opportunities to support specific programs and projects.

With our collaborative approach, we can help you develop grant and other funding proposals that align with your organization's goals and objectives.

We can help.

Get started today.

To learn more about our solutions, call (281) 667-0404, or request an online meeting.