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The Future Is Brighter Than Ever

It’s hard to believe we are beginning our 28th year in business. A lot has changed over the years.

It’s hard to believe we are beginning our 28th year in business. A lot has changed over the years. The first computer I bought for the company was purchased at Foley’s Department Store because I wanted to make sure that the company would be around, just in case I needed support. Foley’s is long gone; we’re still here.

A lot more has changed as well. We started as a small paging company, providing basic communication tools, numeric pagers and flip phones, to thousands of families. Our first government account was Fort Bend ISD who remains our client today. Over the years, we helped them, as well as many others, evolve their business to be more efficient, to operate more smoothly by leveraging technology. We’ve provided them with Blackberrys and Nextel Push-To-Talk, iPhones as well as GPS for vehicles, door barricades for classrooms and hotspots for students, always helping them get to the next step.

Our passion and commitment has never wavered. Our ability to not only deliver, but to exceed expectations, has always been a result of having the best people on our team. Over the years, some of our employees moved on, found new careers, but they’ve always supported Premier. They often stop by and visit and share their experiences with new team members. As President and CEO, I am often congratulated for what I have achieved, but as I always say, it is not “I” that created this company, it is them. Every person who has ever been part of this great company has made us better, has brought value and has moved us forward.

To say 2020 has been uniquely different, is an understatement. I am thankful for everyone who has helped pave the way for me. I will always be eternally grateful for Paulette Dewey, who believed in that girl in her 9th grade advanced English class at Rogers High School @ramnation2013 in Toledo, Ohio. She inspired me and made me believe in me. When going through life’s hardship and challenges, I often remembered her words and her spirit and her belief that I could do anything I wanted. Her words inspired me and got me through some of life’s most difficult times.

I am also grateful for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program. It wasn’t just what I learned during my time in the program, but it was who I met and the relationships I built. My world changed because of that one program. As a result, I find myself surrounded by a group of other business owners, other CEOs who have walked in my shoes, who I can call and discuss my business challenges with and who I can share my triumphs with. Through the #GS10K program, I met people who have provided great wisdom and who have now become my board of advisors. As a result, I have been able to pivot, to change the focus of my company to succeed during this most challenging year.

As I turn from the past and I look towards the future, I know our partnership with T-Mobile will create new opportunities, 5G will open new technologies and new solutions. I know we will be involved in helping create smart cities, build mesh networks, increase business automation and deliver solutions that haven’t even been created yet.

My life is blessed, my heart is filled with #gratitude.

In loving memory of the past, with an eye on the future, I’ve never been more excited.

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