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Unique Mobile Solution Provides Resources Tailored for Veterans

Government and nonprofit organizations work hard to provide services to Veterans. But obstacles often prevent the people they serve from utilizing them. Giving Veterans access to resources from the palms of their hands is an effective solution.

Failing Those Who Fought

Many Veterans face barriers when leaving the military. These challenges can include a lack of support networks, education, skills training, and securing stable employment.

Many Veterans also struggle with mental health, healthcare, physical therapy resources, food, transportation, and secure housing. According to, Veterans are 50% more likely to become homeless than other Americans due to poverty.

Connecting Veterans with the Right Resources

Veterans are often hesitant to reach out for help because of certain stigmas and barriers, according to a National Library of Medicine research article. Giving Veterans the ability to connect directly with resources and taking the "layer cake approach" is key to helping. The first step is providing organizations with the ability to effectively meet basic needs. Then address mental health and health care issues, and finally, provide Veterans with the ability to access workforce development tools and jobs.

Connectivity is key to achieving overall success. Having a "one-stop-shop" mobile device with a hotspot, cellular data, and access to resources can provide Veterans with tools they can use to journey back to a healthy and productive life. A personal device also protects Veterans from shame when reaching out for help.

Tailored to Your Organization's Unique Needs

Premier Wireless' CPR³ for Veterans solution is tailored to an individual organization's unique needs. The handheld device can provide access ​to local, state, and nationwide resources, including food, shelter, healthcare, transportation, workforce development, and jobs.

It can also include telehealth accessibility and access to live and recorded video and audio resources, providing a Veteran with the ability to attend a virtual support group, practice a soothing meditation, or listen to music.

Social media access allows Veterans to network, and productivity tools give them the ability to connect, communicate and collaborate.

Providing Positive Outcomes

Organizations distributing the devices can run reports to see what resources users are engaging with the most to provide the best possible experience and outcomes and help secure funding.

CPR³ for Veterans enables Veterans to return to being ​productive and successful members of society as they deserve to be.

About Premier Wireless

Premier Wireless specializes in technology solutions that enable safety, innovation, communication, and transformation.

Our solutions increase efficiencies and minimize costs for public, non-profit, and private organizations.

Premier's CPR³ for Veterans is a purpose-driven device customized to provide Veterans with access to critical resources.

Premier can help you identify your organization's goals, gaps​, challenges​, and desired outcomes. Reach out to one of our Veterans solution experts to discuss the perfect solution for your organization's unique needs.

Contact: to schedule a meeting today.

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