Premier Wireless Sensors
Gas Monitoring
Wireless sensors measure CO2 and any other gases PPM (Parts Per Million). These are typically special built sensors that are designed for particular use cases.

Temp+Humidity+AirPressure+NO2 Smart Node
The Polysense WxS 8700 is a wireless gas sensing platform based on LoRa technology operating at license free spectrum (ISM), enabling both public and private IoT network deployments by service providers, municipality governments, enterprises. It’s deployed in star topology with very high density, particularly suited for industrial and enterprise IoT applications such as: Industrial campus safety, Smart and Safety, Environmental Monitoring, Subway security and safety, Hospitality safety and Residential complex, shopping center, CBD safety
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Elsys ERS CO2 Sensor
The Elsys ERS CO2 is a LoRaWAN room sensor that measures indoor environment. ERS CO2 is enclosed in an room sensor box and is designed to be wall mounted. Inside the ERS CO2 you will find five sensors: Temperature sensor, humidity sensor, light sensor, CO2 sensor and a motion sensor (PIR). The ERS CO2 is powered by two 3,6V AA lithium battery.
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Decentlab Air Quality Station
This is the Decentlab Air Quality Station that is capable of utilizing 4 different gas sensors at one time. It is compatible with NO2, NO, CO, H2S, O3+NO2, and SO2 sensors.
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IoT Pressure Sensor
Low Power Pressure Transmitter for Liquid and Gas Media. Applications include monitoring for: pump performance, water pipeline pressure, pressurized systems, chiller and cooling systems, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, liquid storage level, spraying systems and air compressors.
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CO + Fire smoke Sensor
This Polysense device is a well integrated CO sensor + smoke sensor +lora rf. This sensor can only be used indoors. Both CO sensors and fire smoke can detect tobacco burning.
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CO2 Sensor
The CO2 sensor collects and preprocesses CO2 in its environment, transmits the information to a central coordinator and controls and calibrates all elements of the sensor.
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CO Sensor
The LS-112P is designed to measure Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Temperature/Humidity. It is perfect for monitoring air quality in basement parking, garage, gas ranges/ovens and furnaces.
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LS-111P CO2 Sensor
LS-111P is designed to measure Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Temperature/Humidity. It is perfect for monitoring air quality in schools, office buildings, greenhouses, factories, hotels, hospitals, transportation lines and anywhere high levels of carbon dioxide are generated.
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CO Sensor
The CO sensors accurately detects the presence of gas in closed space. This device has a durable IP67 enclosure.
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EM500-CO2 Sensor
EM500-CO2 sensor is a long range wireless sensor compatible with standard LoRaWAN protocol. Combining with the advanced LoRa technology and 19000mAh battery make it a low power consumption product with years-long use life. It integrates CO2, barometric pressure, temperature and humidity sensors, which suits outdoor environment monitoring applications.
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